
Wednesday 2 November 2022

100 Love Messages For Her: Say It Right And Say It Well!

 You know your girlfriend is perfect since she is the one that you have always dreamt of.

No companionship and friendship matches what she gives you, and you love her for whatever she is. While she might know all that, it is always a good idea and practice to get vocal about your love once in a while. If you are a guy who is not into instant messaging and love the good old charm of the 160 character SMS, then we have the best ‘love sms for girlfriend’ collection, 100 texts that will help you express your love to her.


This is the classic text love message for her that will get you into her good books. There’s nothing quite as endearing as a good old fashioned “you’re on my mind.”


If you’ve been going steady, and she’s climbed right up your list of priorities and made her way into future plans, let her know just that with this simple love message for her.

[Read More: Romantic Love Poems For Her ]


Out of the blue it reads a bit, well, out of the blue. After a long conversation or enjoyable time spent together, this message is a very good way to end the night.


Often, we do feel this wonderful feeling, and we ought to share it with the person who made it all come about.


My love for you is ever growing is a pretty darn nice thing to say to someone, and you can bet they’ll love you all the more for it.


Starts off arrogant, ends perfectly sweetly, a cute love message for her. A most interesting way to compliment someone, and to make sure you too get a most interesting reply.


Like one of those epiphanies that come to you when you’re wandering but not lonely.


Your girl will love you talking about her featuring in your dreams. And it’s not like it doesn’t happen too.


This is perhaps for the more mature couple, but the sentiment is every bit as sweet, if not more so, than most messages here. This isn’t an offhand remark; it’s an attempt to communicate everything she means to you in one text love message for her.


Was she over last week bearing gifts and kisses? Was that the best thing to happen to you in the last few months, since her last visit? Let her know what it meant to you!


Golly, if we could in any way fully explain the importance of this love message for her, then it’d be a good turn because this is one of the most crucial parts of any relationship – having fun together!


Again, don’t text her this after your first date because you know all about her and her political beliefs from Facebook. This is for those who are going steady and going well.


No, seriously, how often is this just the case? Work is a hassle, family is a chore (a reality in many homes across the world, you know) and everything else seems so stale, but when your phone vibrates or when you meet to get a soup and a sandwich, that’s what makes you leap out of bed the next morning raring to go!


This is fairly honest which may or may not be appreciated at least initially, but if you want an attention grabbing, conversation sparking text love message for her, then this is the one to go with.


“Single life is gr… Oh my, God, who is she?” Remember being convinced about how good a life spent in the company of friends, food, drink, playing cards and cheap mattresses was, until you saw, and then met her, to realise “I’m going to have to live a lot better, for us?” That was probably for the best, now let her know.


Similar to a previous message in meaning, but with a more tactful and perhaps less passionate tone.


If you feel like your girl gives you superhuman strength and courage, or having her by your side whenever you’re in a spot of bother – or even knowing that you do – makes all the difference to you in your life, then please, do let her know. The above love message for her is a good way to start.


That is sheer poetry in a text message, but you really have to feel it to speak it with conviction (yes, I know it’s a text message). If the sight of her still gives you butterflies, and the knowledge of having missed her call causes a pain in your gut, even though it’s been over a year together, then that message perfectly describes your current, wonderful, predicament.


When you’re being sugary sweet, might as well go all out. Best sent late at night towards the tail end of a long conversation.


This is sweet as honey, but it’s also a pretty heavy text! Again, not to be sent if you’re not completely feeling it. How do you know if you’re feeling it? Well, if you read that message only to smile to yourself and think “Yup” then by all means send her this love message for her.


Again a most sweet message to receive, especially if she already knows just how much you love the rest of her as well.

[Read More: Easy Tips To Make Your Girlfriend Love You More]


A wonderfully sweet sentiment plus a dash of popular culture and boom, you have an excellent text message to open, spice up or end a conversation with.


This is more of a “I’m sorry” or “I’m sorry you didn’t get that college application processed, do it next year” message than a random “Thinking of you, love you!” message, and hence is to be used as such. Let her know that sometimes we can’t have everything that we want, but if we have the things we want and need most, we’re doing pretty well!


This will definitely elicit an “aww” from her, especially if you’ve been putting on a very macho attitude all this while. Ease up and send a silly, cute text love message for her to your girl – she’ll love it.


Wow, didn’t expect that coming… and neither will she. That’s a lovely thing to say and she would love it.


Simple compliment paid well.


This love message for her works rather well for long distance couples who have to beg each other for photos all the time because they’re going crazy with the loneliness. “Just send me any damn thing, would you! xoxo” also works most of the time.


That should happen most of the times, but the fact that it is and that you’re being alerted about such a thing is most reassuring and endearing.


This may sound extremely sugary (which is great), but it’s more true that you think.


“I’m going to start calling you my angelfriend” may be sent as a follow-up for comic relief if your attempts at flattery didn’t quite work out. We’re kidding, it’ll work.


A Light and airy love message for her, like a feather floating in the wind.


Bonus points if you look and act like John Rambo and then drop this bomb!


An excellent message to send if you forgot to do something vitally important and time-bound that you had been entrusted with and reminded about for weeks prior. It may not be enough, but it’s a good start.


You refer to her as princess anyway, I’m sure, so why not take it up a notch!


This love message for her is so silly and so lovely at the same time. We are sure she will find it cute.


I’m special, and I think you’re special. You must’ve been sent from above!


Make sure to not misspell any of the words or this message could haunt you for a while. Bonus points if you have a girlfriend who buys you a thesaurus after reading this.


Forever is immeasurably long, and this is quite a reassuring love message for her to receive for someone who’s worried about being away.


Not the greatest conversation opener, unless the two of you are cool like that, in which case, be my guest. What this is, is a great late Thursday night, “shouldn’t be still up texting, but I can’t put the phone down. I love her so much” kinda text and is best used that way.


You have to agree that this is all round an excellent, witty love message for her.


If she’s the only girl you’ve ever dated – No. If you know what you’re talking about – Yes.


This is more beautiful a thought that may seem apparent at first.


And just like water, her love is essential for you.


This love message for her is quite self-centred but quite honest, and she’ll like that.


That message is sunshine and roses delivered as 1s and 0s.


Sometimes, she’ll want to be told (and told good) just how much you love her. Send out this text love message for her.


An excellent, endearing, sexy text message to receive.


A flurry of kisses as a reply incoming.


Damn! Who have you ever said that to? Think about what it means also. See? Exactly.


And we’re going to end our list with this humdinger of a love message for her. Right at the start, we said that “thinking of you” is one of the greatest text messages you can send, and we’d like to reiterate – we weren’t lying.


Let’s kick-off the list with the poetic type ‘love sms for girlfriend’, one that is outright romantic and makes a deep unadulterated expression of love. Surely this one is going to bring a smile on her lovely face.


Did she ever ask you, ‘Do I look fat, baby?’ and you struggled to find the right words that left her a bit upset. Send her this cute ‘love sms for girlfriend’, and don’t forget to suffix it with a kiss smiley.

[Read More: Romantic Love SMS For Girlfriend ]


If she hasn’t asked you yet then surely you are soon going to hear the quintessential question, ‘Why do you love me?’ Share this message across as an answer and it will surely bring a smile on her lips.


A good one when your babe is away and you miss her badly. It has some simple words that make it a great SMS to share with the love of your life.


It wraps the feeling of desolation when you are away from your girlfriend all within the 160 character limit so that you can conveniently share it with her.


This one makes an awesome’love sms for girlfriend’ to send when you receive a text from your girlfriend. If you are having a text chat with her then this is a great love SMS to sign-off for the day.


This one will make her go, ‘Aww…’ for sure. Perhaps she might even pull your cheeks the next time you meet. Nice adorable message to send to your lady love.


When your love for your girlfriend is true, then she becomes a perpetual source of joy, a joy that becomes the power source of your life and without which you can’t live.


Missing her badly? Then say it up with these words. It is one of those ‘love sms for girlfriend’ where you can elicit a mushy response too.


Like said before, your girlfriend will be that friend who will bring you a sense of satisfaction in life. The way she stands out from the rest in a way that only you can see. Share that sentiment with her and watch her face brighten up with a smile.


Even if you know that you are meant to be soul-mates, it is always great to reinforce that love by sharing words of love and encouragement with each other. That helps making your bond much stronger than it was yesterday.


Send that to her and you just won her heart permanently. Girls seek a sense of security in a relationship and there is nothing more comforting to them than their guy stating that in some simple lucid words.


Now that you have got into a stable relationship with the girl you always had a crush on, it is time to spill the true feelings with this wonderfully articulated ‘love sms for girlfriend’.


If your love is true, she always means the world to you. Say that out to her and leave her smiling with happiness.


Well, it is quite likely that her gorgeous hair or pretty smile is what drew you towards her in the first place. A candid yet romantic love SMS for girlfriend that conveys the point to her.


This one makes a great reply if you ever receive a message from your girlfriend asking how much you love her. The neutral yet romantic tone makes it the perfect one to send out to her.


If you are looking for a love SMS for girlfriend that will surely elicit a response then you can count on this one. A good message to share the true feelings in your heart for her.


If all you feel is the mad rush of love every time you see her face, then you should say that to her even if she knows about it. An adorable SMS to put that feeling in words.


You know she has become more than a friend when that happens and why not share what you feel?


The rhyming words here create a wonderful sentence that works great to be sent in an SMS to your beloved lady.


If straightforward communication is your thing then this one makes a great SMS to be shared.

[Read More: Romantic Love SMS ]


If that is how you feel then you have surely reached a level of maturity in your relationship, and nothing more will impress her than that. Say it out with this well articulated ‘love sms for girlfriend’.


That is how it all begins, and if there is truthfulness and sincerity in the relationship, you attain a state of mellowness and see her more like a soul-mate.


Having a live-in? Then this one works great; better than ‘I miss you.’


A girlfriend can take on multiple roles in your life – she can be your friend, confidante and even your counsellor. Never let go of such a girl and always tell her what you feel with a wonderful ‘love sms for girlfriend’.


It has a nice cuteness factor tagged to it and is bound to leave her smiling no matter what time of the day you send it to her.


Great way to tell her that no matter how the journey of life takes shape, you will always be by her side as her life companion forever.


A combo of this and the previous one is surely going to make her blush. Guaranteed hug and perhaps a kiss the next time you meet!


A simple ‘love sms for girlfriend’ to cheer up your girlfriend, any time, any moment of the day.


She comes in your world as a ray of sunshine and brightens up every day of it with her radiance. If that is what you feel about your girlfriend then these are the words to use when sending a love SMS to her.


It is said that that love starts with friendship…


Those little details that matter…


Does your girlfriend believe more in non-verbal communication? Acknowledge whatever she has expressed till now with this wonderful ‘love sms for girlfriend’. It is also a great way of letting her know that you take notice of her every romantic move towards you.


All that a girl expects is her guy to stand by her side, no matter what the situation. If that guy makes a solemn promise to do so, then that would just make her day.


Nice way of telling your beloved that she has brought countless positive changes in your life to the extent that now you attribute almost every cherished moment of your life to her.

[Read More: 50 Sms That Are Way Better Than Saying I Love You]


If that is how you feel then say it out with these adorable words.


So once you are sure that she is the one, you should say it. Nervous to do so? Pick up your phone, type this ‘love sms for girlfriend’ out and just send it to her; and be prepared for a really tight hug on your next date.


This one can work as a great wedding proposal message. You might have spent years dating her but she would have never asked about tying the knot, perhaps because she is not sure what is on your mind. Take the first step towards expressing your desire for a wedlock with this wonderful love SMS for your girlfriend that will surely leave her blushing.


When she becomes more precious than the most precious things in your life then it is time you share it with her. A nice SMS to convey those thoughts.


Every moment spent with her brings a fresh feeling of love, and if that is how you feel then here is the ‘love sms for girlfriend’ that will work great for you.


When she means everything to the extent that life feels barren without her love and company, send this message.


If she brings a sense of fullness in your life then it is time to hold her hand tight and never let go ever.


There could be some moments of separation, which could feel like eternity. But stay calm and send this romantic ‘love sms for girlfriend’ to keep the spark alive.


If expressing love through some cool analogies is your kind of thing then here is the SMS that will fit your bill quite well.


Reminiscing your first moments of love is the best way to rekindle the spark in your love. It is a great and subtle way of telling her that you are still the same guy who fell madly in love with her right at the first sight.


This is surely another way of saying that the girl of your life is the one who completes you and your life.


For the times when that glow in her eyes is all you need to forget your worries and look forward to another day with some enthusiastic optimism.


Spells C-R-A-Z-Y like nothing else.


Another adorable ‘love sms for girlfriend’ with some nice analogies to draw her attention to the fact she is dating a guy who has always, and will always love her no matter what she thinks of him.

[Read More: 30 Senti Love SMS Texts To Say What You Feel]


There are always some amazing qualities in your girlfriend that would have drawn your attention towards her in the first place. If that is the case, then make it a point to express your feelings. If your beloved has some other qualities than the ones mentioned above, you can have them written instead.

No matter how long you have been dating her, it is never too late to express your love towards her, in a way like you fell in love with her just yesterday. Have anything to express about your love life? Do share.


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